Please check back later. Thank you!
3:00 pm
Campsite Open for Arrivals6:00 pm
Logistics Opens for Check-in8:00 pm
Opening Announcements8:30 pm
GAME ON!Everyone on site is in-character in all In-Game areas until Game Over!
9:00 pm
Logistics ClosesIf you will be arriving after Logistics closes, please Contact Logistics to make check-in arrangements.
11:00 am
GAME OVER11:00 am
Closing Announcements11:30 am
Campsite Clean-up - EVERYONE3pm
Campsite ClosesReady to play Galaxy Awaits? Here's a reminder of stuff to pack for the event:
All bunks have a mattress, and the bathrooms have showers, but nothing else. Make sure to bring bedding, toiletries, towel, and other such items.
A Star Wars appropriate costume is required. Please no blue jeans, t-shirts, logos, and images. Please dress like you belong in the Star Wars universe. At bare minimum, or if you are NPCing, all you need is plain black clothing.
If you are playing an Alien / Near-Human, the appropriate makeup is required.
Sorry! Galaxy Awaits does not provide, or loan, costuming for player characters.
A pair of comfortable, preferably waterproof, shoes or boots in plain black, brown, gray, or color appropriate for your costume. No visible logos.
Warm underlayers, such as smart wool.
Warm outerwear. Preferably waterproof jacket, coat, raincoat, poncho, etc.
After you've created a Character, there will be Items that require a prop to represent them. Galaxy Awaits only provides the Tags, and you must provide the appropriate props.
If you plan on using any weapons, make sure the ones you bring meet our Weapons Specs.
A device to access the Holonet - mobile phone, tablet, or laptop
A non-white light flashlight or lantern.
A walkie-talkie radio.
Any other electronic devices described here.
Even if you buy the Meal Plan, you may want to carry snacks with you.
Water is readily available in the Cantina, and you are encouraged to keep bottled water in your cabin as well.
Please remove or cover all food and beverage labels, or place them in thematically appropriate containers.
Cabins are In-Game spaces that you, and the folks staying with you, can decorate with appropriately themed items and curtains.
For privacy, consider bringing a sheet or curtain to hang around your bunk.
DO NOT use push pins, nails, tacks, duct tape, packing tape, and anything that damages the cabin or peels paint. You may use masking tape to affix something to the walls or around the door. Curtain rods are installed for use. Ceiling hooks are available in some cabins. You may swap lightbulbs as long as you put the original back before leaving the event.
Bring microwavable / ready-to-eat meals. You have access to the microwave anytime, as well as the dry pantry and walk-in fridge to store your food labeled with your name. Kitchen and/or BBQ grills may be available, but not guaranteed. Drinks available seperately for In-Game credits.