Black Sun is a criminal syndicate and member of the Shadow Collective. The Black Sun syndicate manages criminal activity in the Outer Rim, enjoying a durable and profitable relationship with the Empire by offering mercenaries and scoundrels to do the Empire's dirty work in exchange for the freedom to carry on Underworld dealings unhindered. Not all crimes are for the Empire because truthfully, Black Sun is Independent and interested in profit for themselves.
As a member of Black Sun's Guild, you will find like-minded individuals to work with in committing various crimes around Corox Station. You choose to be a member of the Black Sun syndicate, or another syndicate, or operate as a solo individual or crew. Though the Black Sun syndicate funds criminal activity in Corox Station, the Guild is open to all Scoundrels.
Crimes are posted on the HOLONET.
With a license to legally arrest and/or kill posted Bounties, Hunters traverse the galaxy in search of their target. Hunters may work in a group, or alone, but all Hunters are renowned as resourceful and ruthless.
If you obtain a Flamethrower, you may use a Nerf Wrist Blaster. See Rulebook for details.
The backbone of Commerce, Merchants bring a wide variety of goods, both Tagged and non-Tagged, for trade. You may choose to set up a storefront booth during Marketplace, or operate your business on the side.
Use the Tag Store to purchase up to 3 times the quantity of the Cyberneticist, Scientist, or Manufacturer Skills that you have.
As a politician, you represent either the town Corox Station, or the planet Selvaris, or your own agenda. You may submit new laws, manage permits, become an Elected Official, write press briefings, act as an attorney during court, as examples. Some of these activities may pay Credits via the Holonet.
As a Politician, you can run for Elected Official, manage permits, and submit laws.
Scoundrels deal in all forms of illegal activities, such as smuggling, espionage, theft, bribery, and the Shadow Market, in order to steal valuable goods and information to sell for a profit, for control, or some advantage.
As part of the criminal element, you are a:
As a trained Force-user from a Force organization, you are involved in matters of the Force for your own interest, or whomever you choose. You might interact with other Force-sensitives, handle Relics and Rituals, find interest in the local Force lore, and more.
When using the Obelisk, replenish 2 FP per 100 credits spent. If you don't have the Group Counseling Skill, participating in Group Counseling replenishes 1 additional FP.
In-Game, only Empire Inquisitors may openly use the Force. You can use the Force, but it is advised to do so in secret from the Empire.
Leadership for this Guild is SECRET. As a Guild member, you will find the Guildmasters listed on the HOLONET.